Here’s Why Your Friends Oppose Your Fitness Goals: Understanding Social Sabotage
One of the biggest barriers to improving your health/fitness is social pressure. In fact, for many people, it’s the biggest thorn.
One of the biggest barriers to improving your health/fitness is social pressure. In fact, for many people, it’s the biggest thorn.
I like equal opportunities as much the next person, but we live in a world where the playing field is rarely equal. So, let’s answer the politically incorrect question of is fat loss harder for women?
Blind volume training is a progressions system that autoregulates the training stress while allowing lifters to progress smoother, focus on lifting technique, and not get obsessive about training numbers.
Weights vs machines is a face palm worthy debate, especially when you see dorks claim free weights are better and manlier.
The forbidden fruit effect is the idea of restricting certain foods making you crave them more and thus, ruining your diet adherence or progress.
MSG is often criticized for numerous health detriments. Some claims include headache, sweating, heart palpations, burning sensations, nausea, brain toxicity, asthma, liver damage, and the death of all your pets.
How Much Does Alcohol Interfere with Being Hot and Healthy? If there’s one thing people love, it’s alcohol. You want to drink it, but also
There are many set extending techniques or intensifying techniques. Some people call them advanced training techniques, although I’m not a fan of that name.
When somebody claims organic food to be better, that’s a good sign they are clueless about nutrition science and get their nutrition information from dorks on social media.
The scale is a dick huh? Well, that’s what you assume because you’re hyperemotional about it, so perhaps you’re the dick here. Didn’t think I’d turn the tables like that so early huh?
Detoxing is the latest buzzword and everyone thinks they need to detox. However, nobody knows what they’re detoxing from, what detoxing accomplishes, and to how to go about it.
The holiday season is upon us and you know what that means. Food, food, and more food. With endless celebrations, your blood essentially morphs into butter and alcohol from November to January.
What if I told you about a strength training technique that pops your veins out, gets your arteries choked, and imposes a burning sensation hotter than Katy Perry wearing a sundress squeezing you on a summer’s day?
“I’m just so hungry all the time no matter how much I eat” People who say this simply suck at selecting satiating foods.
The model of muscle growth is poorly understood by the average person as is, but many professionals don’t come close to understand it either.
Do you keep gaining weight or struggle to lose it? It’s because you eat too much. No really, that’s what it comes down to.
So you want to build muscle, lose 30 pounds of fat, and fit into a size whatever right? That’s cute and all, but intentions alone won’t help you reach your goals.
It’s quite common for people to drop hundreds of dollars every month on trendy supplements in search of being stronger, healthier, and more athletic specimen with a raging sex drive.
We all want to burn a ton of calories cause the more we burn, the more we can eat at a given energy balance. For example, it’s far better to diet on 1800 calories instead of 1200 calories.
In this article, I only talk about how to master intuitive eating. I went over the pros and cons of it in a previous article, so read that one first.
Intuitive eating is an eating style or eating philosophy where you eat in tune with your body’s hunger signals. This is similar to ad libitum eating which is defined as eating till desired.
We all want epically high testosterone levels coursing through our veins like Thor shooting lighting bolts from the sky. Unfortunately, many men struggle with their testosterone, sometimes unknowingly.
Pre-exhausting is an interesting muscle building technique that’s gaining much popularity. But if you’ve been following me long enough, you know I don’t give a flying a fairy what’s popular or not.
So you’re done with dieting. Now it’s time to transition to maintenance because losing weight is only half the battle. Maintaining your new bodyweight is the other (arguably more important) half.
Have you heard of reverse dieting? If you haven’t, don’t look it up because there’s an endless stream of YouTube videos and articles regurgitating this nonsense.
Have you heard of creatine? Your mom probably thinks it’s a steroid, but who cares what she thinks. Creatine is epic and I don’t say that about many supplements.
Think of your most stubborn muscle group that’s so painfully small despite how hard you train it. Perhaps, it’s your narrow back, your chopstick calves, or your flat butt.
Refeeds are essentially mini diet breaks. However, instead of going to maintenance for weeks at a time, refeeds only last days. Some people also take refeeds into a surplus.
Diet breaks and refeeds are overrated. I know I’ll offend lots of people and frankly, I don’t give a flying fairy about it.
Hey ladies, you have so much going for you, but if I’m being honest, many of you avoid lifting weights to your detriment.
Tracking macros is the most lifechanging skill for your long-term health, fitness, and food flexibility
Alright little Timmy, take a seat. I need to have a talk with you. And yes, I just called you little Timmy even though you’re a grown adult who’s name probably isn’t Timmy.
Every gym I’ve worked at, there was always that one overly functional trainer or group of trainers who demonized the leg extension
Sleep is fascinating. We love it, yet so many of us are sleep deprived zombies. In fact, it’s become some sort of badge of honor brag about how little sleep you get.
Let’s talk about those food cravings that sabotage your weight loss efforts. By definition, a craving is an intense desire to consume a particular type of food that is hard to resist.
You ready to go from a mere peasant who can’t stop eating to a satiated almighty weight loss emperor?
How Long to Rest Between Sets for Bigger Badder Gains Rest periods are one of the most misunderstood and unsexy aspects of strength training. However,
Amino acid supplements have overwhelming evidence against their use. I dream of the day dorks across this world would stop purchasing worthless powders like BCAAs.
The fitness industry used to tell you building more muscle will boost your metabolism therefore allowing you to eat more food without fat gain. Fast forward a decade later to present day and coaches are now saying the opposite.
Eating at night isn’t the reason you’re packing on the squishy pounds. In fact, carbs at night may be the little-known strategy towards your fittest physique.
Spot reduction is the idea that you can target where you lose fat and if it’s possible, that would be the dream wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, I think many coaches enjoy crushing dreams too early including this one.
Look, we live in some unsettling times right now. People are dying, supplies are scarce, and unemployment is skyrocketing, but none of that compares to the biggest nightmare nobody thought would happen. The gym is closed.
This article was written during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. If you’re reading from the future, let me recap this era for you quickly.
Thermic effect of food. That sounds nerdy doesn’t it? It is totally nerdy and you might not consider yourself a nerd, but trust me, you should be itching to learn about this.
At first glance, these studies make it look like protein is impossible to be fattening even in a caloric surplus.
Strength training improves your life in so many ways that not doing it is like begging for a suboptimal existence. And no, that’s not an exaggeration. Look at the research below my friend.
You know what’s awesome? Losing fat. You know what’s not awesome? Losing muscle.
What if I told you everything you knew about sugar is wrong? Like not just a little wrong, but so wrong, you might even get a brain scan after realizing all the lies you believed about sugar.
Newbie gains is the “enchanted” window of opportunity where beginner lifters can pack on muscle at remarkably fast rates.
Red meat has been the blame for bad health for decades now. Apparently, eating a mammal’s nutrient dense flesh is going to infect your body, give you cancer, and put you in a grave before you can meet your grandchildren.
Many clueless Instagram influencers are big proponents of fasted exercise and love making extreme claims about it. Fortunately, you’ve stumbled onto this science-based article, where the truth will be revealed to you.
You could know everything about food like a wizard and have the most science proven diet in place, but if you can’t stick to that style of eating consistently, you won’t see any results. Period.
Being lactose intolerant sucks. If you even think about drinking some milk, your life suddenly becomes an unpleasant series of violent farts, bloating, and explosive diarrhea.
Training to Failure – Optimal or Overrated? The training to failure debate rages on as bros, lifting nerds, and coaches just can’t seem to agree
Dairy – A Healthy Choice That Idiots Don’t Realize Dairy is extremely misunderstood and often picked on by the vegan and paleo communities. Many people
There’s many misconceptions between compound and isolation exercises. Many people think isolation exercises are pointless, redundant, and unnecessary.
For decades, bodybuilders have advocated for the mind muscle connection which refers to aiming your focus towards the targeted muscle you’re training.
Plums, The Health Enhancer You Keep Overlooking Lately, I’ve been quite head over heels for plums. I’ve regularly devoured, posted on social media, and experienced
How Many Meals is Best For Fat Loss? For weight loss, It’s deeply common advice to eat 6 small meals a day. All the meathead
Here’s How Often You Should Take Desk Breaks Many of us sit daily inside a car or an office for hours upon end. I bet
Is Gluten Even That Bad? If you ask the average person about bread, they’ll tell you it’s deathly bad for you. It’s the carb that
The Lifter’s Guide to Warming Up Warming up is like saving for retirement. We all know it’s important, but we don’t exactly know why or
Reviewing The Best Muscle Building Training Splits Everybody thinks there’s some sort of magic in a specific training split. We got old school bodybuilders who
Korean Probiotics Reverses Hair Loss? Anyone that knows me, knows I hate false quick fixes and over exaggerated magic health pills. This is the exact
Stretching is an interesting topic in this ever so controversial world of fitness. On one hand, you have hippie yoga girls who build their entire training programs around stretching. On the other extreme,
Does Weight Training Stunt a Child’s Growth? We’ve all heard the mantra that weight training is bad for kids. According to soccer moms across America,
Lose Fat While Building Muscle? Dream or Reality? If you’re like most people, you want to grow thicker slabs of hard muscle that attracts the
The Training Frequency Guide You Wished You Read Earlier High frequency training is catching popularity quickly, but many old school bros and their diehard fans
Foam rolling is one of the most controversial topics within the fitness space. Many trainers and massage therapists hold religiously passionate stances for or against foam rolling.
You probably don’t know the crucial facts about coffee like how it works, what it does, how much to drink, and the myths surrounding it. Allow me to enlighten you my friend.
Cholesterol was once thought of as a dangerous artery clogging nutrient. Fortunately, research shows cholesterol is not the enemy we once thought it was.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need cardio for any physique transforming goal. So while it’s not as important as strength training, it does have it’s place. This then begs the infamous question, which type of cardio should I do?
Does intermittent fasting really work? Or could it be dangerous for your health? What are the scientific pros and cons to it?
Losing weight is already hard enough, but keeping the weight off once you lose it is a whole-nother beast of a challenge.
Understanding tempo is like understanding females, guys think they know what they’re doing, but they don’t. For those that don’t know, tempo is how fast you lift and lower your reps.
We know protein is epically wonderful for keeping us full and growing us bigger sexier slabs of muscle, but how many times a day should we eat it? Is there really an optimal frequency for protein intake to maximize muscle mass?
One of the points of partial reps is that you can use higher loads given the same effort and volume. Could there be any benefit in doing this? Could sacrificing range of motion produce better results? Or is it just a way to stroke your ego?
If you’ve ever attempted to lose weight, you might’ve noticed as you lose more weight, the journey gets tougher. You put in the exact same sacrifice day in and day out, but the results come slower and slower.
Which Makes You Fatter? Carbs or Fat? When it comes to the three macronutrients, protein is like the golden child. It’s the one that does
Ultimately, is keto truly good or bad for you? Is it overrated or can it be useful? Let’s discover the answer by looking at the unbiased science, shall we?
How to Stretch for Muscle Growth Stretching is the best thing you’re not doing for muscle growth. Yes you read that correctly. Stretching, the thing
Which fat is bad for you? Which fat is good for you? How much fat should I eat? These are the infamous questions that frolic around everyone’s mind as it relates to dietary fat.
Meathead bros have oversimplified that moderate rep ranges around 8-12 reps are the holy grail for muscle growth.
You’ve probably heard the advice from meatheads to have protein immediately after your workout or else you’ll stay scrawny like a toothpick.
Strength training vs cardio is a flaming hot debate. However, it’s often misunderstood even when it comes to professionals.
As your friend, I’ll be sure to send you some sweet body transforming tips along with updates whenever I post a new article.
I will never share your info or spam you unless an extremely hot girl bribed me with a cute baby unicorn.